Posts in Blog: From the Philoso...
PVCC’s President Hosts a Garden Party

She asked, “Will you tell me about these mountains.” We sat at a picnic table. I asked, “Have you watched the kites flying from the hillside?” Jean’s thrill almost tangible, her face radiates satisfaction in her new position at Piedmont Virginia Community College. Lacking all pretense, blending expertise with instinct, to me she’s a girl who loves her job and knows exactly how to do it. Though this job’s demands make it far from an easy one, Jean speaks and moves with practiced ease.

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What’s Your Story, USA?

“We believe that the truth of this century cannot be discovered unless its tragedy is explored to the bitter end” (Albert Camus, Camus at Combat, November 3, 1944). Philosopher Camus, laboring in the French Underground, unfortunately speaks directly to this country in 2021. Tragedy must be investigated fully. Horror must be acknowledged without excuse. Truth be told—moving forward requires looking back. So we examine higher education, the Olympics, and Charlottesville, VA. An ever more true story of the past, can’t you hear it? And we keep listening and telling and opening until, one day, the story and truth sync.

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