Join Marietta for a festive morning at Charlottesville’s truly welcoming-to-one-and-all Center. She loves telling the story of what she discovered during the three months spent emptying her childhood home beloved by four generations. Leaving 1203 offers a look back at forever lessons the author relearned—and, given the hardship of the past couple of years, Marietta delights in sharing 1203’s clear reminders of what really matters. This book’s simple blueprint for a better future can’t be beat—relationship, gratitude, humor, humility, sacrifice, generosity, simple pleasures—especially outdoors. Yes? Let’s get it on in an interactive book talk and Q&A. Marietta will bring a few cherished items featured in Leaving 1203…her dad’s wartime messenger bag, photographs of her grandmother as a girl in the 1918 pandemic and a Depression era massage therapist…an old tennis ball and baseball bat…her mother’s songbook and eggbeater. We have the room to ourselves until 1pm. Come early and stay after the talk to browse, swap stories, chat and relax. Signed copies of Leaving 1203 will be available for purchase and personalizing before and after the talk—credit card, check, cash all good. (If you’d like a signed copy to read before the talk, email Marietta: for a convenient time to meet her at the Center.)